Tuesday 18 March 2014

My text

I made this typeface as a method of demonstrating the feeling of age and thoughts of a more rustic nature simply through the typography of the title on my front cover. As the book is primarily about dinosaurs I have really tried to embrace the prehistoric age by taking inspiration from the earliest forms of typography that I could find such as cave drawings. Making sure none of the type is too 'perfect' gives the work a very natural and handmade feel. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Mid stage drafting

Mid point draft

In these drafts I have attempted to recreate a singular scamp in three different ways in order to give each piece a different feeling or message.

Friday 14 March 2014

copy and emulation

Copy and emulation

These first two images show the watercolour palette and brush that I used in creating my copy of 'bad moon' by Sarah Arnold. The images show me mixing my watercolour tones and also that I followed watercolour code in starting with my lightest shades and then going on to work to my darkest. I first chose the piece because I have found that I would very much like to look deeper into the world of watercolour painting and how I could use it to create a children's book. I learned some very valuable techniques and tips in the completion of the exercise that I will take on to my emulation that will be a progression from one of my scamps.    

This image, shown above, is my finished copy. The original image shown below is from Sarah Arnold's website at

My final, shown below, is of my completed emulation of one of my scamps, 'The Jurassic'. I chose this particular scamp to develop as it was similar to Sarah Arnold's work in many respects, the image has a very strong landscape aspects and a small animal vocal point that breaks up the landscape and draws the viewer attention. The whole work is completed with subtle tones to make sure no part of the piece is over powering. 

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Watercolour work

Watercolours in the style of Gipi

Examples of his work can be found here:

Some example of his work are also shown below.

My emulations feature my subject matter of dinosaurs. This work has been created by adding watercolour paint too my dinosaurs images that I have dawn in biro. What gives these pieces there iconic look is the amount of water in the watercolour thus allowing the paint to flow and settle unevenly across the page. I personally really enjoyed this new concept and have leaned a lot about how a piece of work doesn't have to be 'perfectly' drawn or painted under the strict boundaries of the pre-existing lines to still be very impressive and inspirational.


Friday 14 February 2014

My scamps

My next sketchbook pages show the front and back covers of my scamp ideas, the images I have created as a first drawing stage in working toward my final design. I will them extend, improve select and put forward my best ideas to the next stage where i will design them using different tools and skills. I will also be making changes along the way to make sure my final design is exactly as I want it. 

My favourite of the scamps that I have created is 'The Jurassic' which i will continue to develop in works such as watercolour.

Thursday 13 February 2014

photos of subject matter

Photos of subject matter

Below are two contact sheets of my subject matter, dinosaurs, I have gathered images from: posters, books, small toys and paintings.